Small Business e-Learning Series
Before commencing the first module, please click here to read important information about accessing the e-Learning.
Any state laws referenced in the e-Learning Series are based on Victorian laws and learners should review the relevant laws in their own state to identify any possible differences in legislation. References to Victorian State Government websites and resources do not apply to WA small businesses. Where appropriate FCAWA members should identify WA State Government small business resources and assistance.
Foundations modules
Each module earns 1 CPD point in the categories Technical/Skills. The Foundations modules attract a maximum of 10 CPD points in total within one calendar year.
You may also apply for a completion certificate once you have successfully completed all 14 Foundations modules. Please email [email protected] to request a completion certificate.
To meet the requirements of FCVic’s Small Business Scope of Practice, these modules consist of both content and assessment tasks. Some of these tasks test factual knowledge, while others call for judgment. The process of thinking through assessment tasks is an important part of learning, however we recognise that some of these questions, particularly those requiring judgment, can be quite tricky and time consuming to answer.
To assist with these more challenging questions, we’ve developed a complementary hints module.
The hints module is intended to be an evolving document and we welcome new feedback and additions. If you come across a challenging question and there is not yet a hint for it, please screenshot the question you’re having trouble with and email it to FCVic at [email protected] – we’ll get back to you with an answer and will also add the question to the hints module.
Advanced modules
Each module earns 1 CPD point in the categories Technical/Skills. The Advanced modules attract a maximum of 6 CPD points in total within one calendar year.
You may also apply for a completion certificate once you have successfully completed all 6 Advanced modules. Please email [email protected] to request a completion certificate.
Watch small business financial counsellor Sandra Blake’s introduction to the Advanced modules to find out more.
To meet the requirements of FCVic’s Small Business Scope of Practice, these modules consist of both content and assessment tasks. Some of these tasks test factual knowledge, while others call for judgment. The process of thinking through assessment tasks is an important part of learning, however we recognise that some of these questions, particularly those requiring judgment, can be quite tricky and time consuming to answer.
To assist with these more challenging questions, we’ve developed a complementary hints module.
The hints module is intended to be an evolving document and we welcome new feedback and additions. If you come across a challenging question and there is not yet a hint for it, please screenshot the question you’re having trouble with and email it to FCVic at [email protected] – we’ll get back to you with an answer and will also add the question to the hints module.
© Copyright Financial Counselling Victoria 2023
This content has been created by FCVic for use by its members for their professional development. It is not intended for use outside the network.
While every effort has been made to ensure the information provided is accurate, the material does not constitute legal or financial advice. References are provided to relevant sections of the law including links. These are provided for information only.
Case studies, role plays, activities and responses are included for illustration only. They are intended to assist with assimilation of material and not to reflect actual case work processes or situations.
Financial Counselling Victoria acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.