Outreach Resources
The following resources have been developed through FCVic’s Special Projects work. They include both resources addressed to community members, and resources addressed to professionals working in other sectors. There are factsheets, videos, posters, audio recordings, activity packs, and external-facing webpages.
These resources have been curated for specific audiences in each of the external-facing webpages. The full set of resources is provided here for members to use in your own outreach activities. For example, you may choose a particular Quick Guide as the focus of a short ten minute presentation.
You may also find it helpful to share particular items from these resources with individual clients.
Please note – these resources include links that may alter over time. When providing a link to a client, community group or other professional, please check it to ensure it has not changed. If you notice any changes, please feel free to advise us of updates using the ‘contact us’ button below – we will be happy to update the resources available on this site for the benefit of all users.
A webpage containing resources that introduce financial counselling to community members.
A simple flyer explaining financial counselling, including a space to enter the contact details of your local service.
A webpage with resources for carers, including how to access the dedicated Carer Pathway to financial counselling assistance.
An information sheet on the Carer Pathway and how to access it.
Hear from a financial counsellor about the Carer Pathway for Financial Counselling.
This video provides a gentle visual guide to accessing the Carer Pathway to Financial Counselling.
Free programs to help people learn more about managing the household finances – this guide helps someone choose a program that best suits their needs and preferred learning style.
How small business owners can access financial counselling
Details of the range of small business financial counselling services available and how to get in touch.
Select a language:
How to use online resources to identify the local financial counselling service that suits you best (services are available throughout Australia).
A collection of 10 factsheets, each providing a brief and practical overview of a financial service or support. Every factsheet is also accompanied by a short video, which has been translated into 10 languages. Visit the Quick Guides webpage for more information.
Financial Conversation Leader Factsheets
These factsheets provide useful information for people about managing their money:
Created in collaboration with Little Dreamers, this resource helps young people understand what it means to be a young carer and what support is available.
Created by FCVic as part of Little Dreamers’ Job Readiness program. This resource is of use to any young person starting out in the workplace.
A handy checklist to help you run through the basics of staying on track with your money and identify any questions you may have.
An initiative of Australian Multicultural Community Services, funded by the Ecstra Foundation, these resources are designed for use in community-led discussions about money. Select your language to view the factsheet:
Series of factsheets to assist small business owners in navigating common issues.
Topics include:
Practical suggestions on some common situations that small business owners may need to address. What to ask, and what to look out for. Click here to download the print-friendly versions
Choose a topic:
A collection of 10 factsheets, each providing a brief and practical overview of a financial service or support. Every factsheet is also accompanied by a short video, which has been translated into 10 languages. Visit the Quick Guides webpage for more information.
How financial counsellors can work to support you
Introduction to financial counselling in the form of role play videos, featuring a fictional client and helpful financial counsellor:
Select your language to view the video:
Select your language to view the video:
Helpful videos about common issues for small business owners
Short (1-2 minute) videos covering common issues facing small business owners – what you can do for yourself and how a small business financial counsellor may be able to help.
Topics include:
This interactive, web-based adventure invites users to explore the ‘Moneyverse’. The content is designed to teach young people about important money concepts in an explorative and fun way – as they journey through the cosmos, users will discover the secrets of money management, savings, budgeting, investing and more!
We suggest you display the website on a console in your library or help connect users to it by distributing these downloadable flyers: Click here to download the Money Explorer flyers
Reading lists
Thank you to Emily Johns from Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre for creating the following reading lists:
A webpage detailing additional resources for older Victorians and people who work with them.
Websites to share
A non-exhaustive list of some websites to share with community members:
A resource to help you identify carers who are experiencing financial stress and, where appropriate, make a warm referral through the dedicated Carer Pathway to Financial Counselling. The guide also helps you to have gentle and productive conversations about money with your carer clients.