The partnership between FCVic and Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV), the Integrated Services Project (ISP), aims to improve client outcomes through financial counsellors and social security lawyers working together more effectively.
This month we farewell Aidan McCarthy who has recently moved onto the Victorian Legal Services Board, the statutory regulatory body, but rest assured there are a number of lawyers at SSRV supporting the ISP and the range of other services.
Regional Networks
We now hope to attend meetings of all regional networks in the state during the second quarter to highlight the services available. Please contact Graeme Parsons directly ([email protected]), or through Georgia Robenstone ([email protected]) at FCVic.
Single Touch Payroll
During the current year, the process for employers to report employee payroll information to the ATO, will be extended to include government agencies, including the social security system. We would encourage all agencies to ensure that clients are aware that certain information will be pre-filled. Unsurprisingly, Services Australia are keen to remind customers that the onus remains on them to check and validate the details.
Restarting Centrelink Debt Activities – Translations
Our colleagues at Economic Justice Australia have recently forwarded a link to translations that detail the resumption of the practise.
Senate Report on the DSP
Following submissions, including from SSRV and FCVic, the Senate has published a report on the Purpose, Intent and Adequacy of the Disability Support Pension. The response to the recommendations seeks to draw attention to the obstacles to access, the increased costs of living with a disability and the reality of this applying to many who have been left on Jobseeker, despite ongoing disability. Please continue to use the resources of SSRV in supporting your clients with the DSP.
Keep in touch
SSRV is now producing a regular newsletter. If you aren’t receiving it already, you can subscribe by sending us a request with your name and preferred email address to [email protected].
If you have any requests for CPD sessions, you can contact us on [email protected].
Advice lines
Financial counsellors are invited to call the SSRV Worker Help Line on 03 9481 0655 (0429 450 346 during remote servicing) for information and support in assisting clients with Centrelink matters and to make referrals to SSRV. The Worker Help Line operates 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday. We also accept referrals by email to [email protected].
Individuals can be referred to the SSRV Legal Assistance Line on 03 9481 0355 (0419 793 652 during remote servicing), which operates 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Thursday.