New member application
Thank you for your interest in applying for FCVic membership.
Application approval is not automatic and all applications will be reviewed by the FCVic Board at the next monthly Board meeting. You will be notified of the outcome of your application shortly after that time.
If you are a current member, please renew your membership here.
For enquiries, please email [email protected].
Accredited Membership
Accredited membership is for individuals who are currently working as financial counsellors, and have the appropriate qualification, or are diploma qualified and have the appropriate experience and CPD points.
- 24 months full-time experience working as a financial counsellor (including while studying if relevant)
- Diploma of Financial Counselling
- Satisfactory completion of an accreditation process as set out by the FCVic Board
- If working as a financial counsellor, meets requirements for continuing professional development and supervision
- If not working as a financial counsellor, meets requirements for continuing professional development.
Individual Members pay their membership fees depending only on the number of hours they work each week. This is based on the hours that they are employed OVERALL per week, and NOT on the hours they are employed to do casework or financial counselling per week.
Part-time employment (Less than 0.8 FTE):
$175.00 per calendar year
Full-time employment (0.8 FTE or more):
$275.00 per calendar year
By submitting this application, you agree to:
- support the purposes and objectives of Financial Counselling Victoria (FCVic) as detailed in the Constitution
- comply with the Australian financial counselling National Code of Ethical Practice
- refrain from engaging in fee-for-service financial counselling whilst a member of FCVic
- carry out your work with no conflict of interest (or, where conflict extists or potentially exists, disclose such information to FCVic)
- authorise FCVic to collect information from or disclose information to funding bodies and employing agencies, where this is relevant to assessing or determining your capacity to meet professional standards or otherwise relevant to statutory obligations of FCVic and those bodies and agencies, and
- meet all requirements for Continuous Professional Development and Professional Supervision as outlined in the National Standards for Membership & Accreditation.
Apply now
If you encounter any issues with your membership application, please contact us immediately and note the date/time of the issue: [email protected].
Privacy Statement
Financial Counselling Victoria operates within the spirit and intent of the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, and the ten Information Privacy Principles (“IPP”) set out in the Act.
Accordingly FCVic only collects information from members and/or potential members specific to the core objectives and activities of the organisation.
In addition, FCVic takes reasonable steps to ensure the appropriate storage and maintenance of information received.