The partnership between FCVic and Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV), the Integrated Services Project (ISP), aims to improve client outcomes through financial counsellors and social security lawyers working together more effectively.
Thanks to all those who attended the recent CPD session with FCVic covering “Social Security 101”. We will be presenting again at the forthcoming FCVic Conference and have another session scheduled on Thursday, 27 October. Please check the events calendar for further details. Please reach out to us directly if you’d like to chat about the sessions before hand, or if there was another area of interest you’d like us to cover in a future CPD session. Please contact Graeme Parsons on [email protected], or through Georgia Robenstone at FCVic: [email protected].
Network Meetings
It was good to meet recently with the Regional Networks for Eastern Metro, Northern Metro and Hume Regional. Thanks for all your questions and please do raise any further points at any stage. All calls through the Worker Help Line are welcome.
MyGov: changes to platform in September
There is nothing apparently too different planned, but Services Australia are encouraging familiarity with changes to the platform and you will be fielding enquiries from clients ahead of the change next month. This link includes details including across 11 languages.
FCVic Conference
We will have a table at the Conference next month and look forward to meeting in person with those that we’ve only seen over screens.
Keep in touch
SSRV is now producing a regular newsletter. If you aren’t receiving it already, you can subscribe by sending us a request with your name and preferred email address to [email protected].
If you have any requests for CPD sessions, you can contact us on [email protected].
Advice lines
Financial counsellors are invited to call the SSRV Worker Help Line on 03 9481 0655 for information and support in assisting clients with Centrelink matters and to make referrals to SSRV. The Worker Help Line operates 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday. We also accept referrals by email to [email protected].
General enquiries can be made to 03 9481 0299 and individuals can be referred to the SSRV Legal Assistance Line on 03 9481 0355, which operates 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Thursday.