The partnership between FCVic and Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV), the Integrated Services Project (ISP), aims to improve client outcomes through financial counsellors and social security lawyers working together more effectively.
Social Security Debt Help
This month we’d like to introduce SSRV’s brand new online resource: Social Security Debt Help!
What is it?
Social Security Debt Help is a free online resource for people with Centrelink debts (overpayments) and those assisting them. It contains information about Centrelink debts, how they arise, and what you can do to address them. It also includes a self-help assessment tool that people with debts can use to better understand their own situation and options, and get better advice and other help.
What can I do?
Social Security Debt Help is live now. You can visit the website here:
You’re welcome to begin using the tools in your own work, either for your own knowledge, as a referral pathway for your clients, or as a follow-up resource that your clients can refer back to after you’ve spoken to them about their debt.
We’d love to hear about your experience with this. Feedback is always greatly appreciated and will help us iterate on and improve the resource as the project continues.
Is there anything else I should know?
Social Security Debt Help is the sibling to one of SSRV’s other online resources: DSP Help. We took what we learned from that project and applied it to a different issue, namely Centrelink debts. We used a focused human-centred design consultation process to help guide our choices and development, and Social Security Debt Help is the result.
The project includes more than just the website. We’re supporting it with a wrap-around legal service, community legal education and training, and systemic advocacy. So as always, if you have a client you think would benefit from speaking to one of our lawyers – or you’d like to run something by us yourself – please reach out to our Worker Help Line on the number below.
We’d like to acknowledge the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner Grants Program for funding this project and making this resource possible.
Centrelink Debts Webinar
We’re running an education session on 12 February 2024 to help you better understand Centrelink debts, how they come about, and what you can do if you or someone you’re supporting has one.
Unfortunately, this session is already fully ticketed, but if you’re interested please let us know as we’re hoping to run another session in March by emailing [email protected].
Keep in touch
We are active on the FCVic ‘Centrelink Working Group’ where financial counsellors, community advocates and social security lawyers meet to discuss policy concerns, trends in casework and challenges/successful outcomes. You can join through the FCVic membership portal or by emailing [email protected]
SSRV is now producing a regular newsletter. If you aren’t already receiving it, you can subscribe using the link at the bottom of our website. We regularly post news and other updates. You can also follow up on Facebook.
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries : 03 9481 0299
Worker Help Line: 03 9481 0655