The partnership between FCVic and Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV), the Integrated Services Project (ISP), aims to improve client outcomes through financial counsellors and social security lawyers working together more effectively.
Upcoming Residency/Visa/Citizenship Changes for New Zealanders
This month we’d like to touch on a topic that is not directly related to social security, but will likely have social security implications: The changes for New Zealanders living in Australia.
New Zealanders often present to our service with very similar issues. Every case is different of course, but there are trends. The narrative will usually be along the lines of:
I’ve been living in Australia for more than 5 years now. I’ve been working the whole time, but I’ve just lost my job. I couldn’t really keep doing it as I’m just too unwell. I have no money and too many bills. Can you help?
Unfortunately, until recently, there haven’t been many options in relation to social security payments from Centrelink. New Zealanders that hold a non-protected Special Category Visa generally have no access to Australia’s social security system as they are not permanent residents.
The limited exceptions have been:
- If they have been in Australia for ten years, they may be able to access up to six months of JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance as a one off.
- They may be able to access Age Pension, Carer Payment or Disability Support Pension through the Social Security Agreement between Australia and New Zealand.
So what’s changing? Announced last month, from 1 July 2023 the pathway to citizenship for New Zealand citizens living in Australia on a Special Category Visa (subclass 444) is set to become easier. While we cannot give legal advice about migration issues, we do note that Australian Citizens have full access to the social security system and also don’t have to serve the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period for many payments. You can read about the new direct pathway to citizenship for New Zealanders here:
If you come across similar situations in your own work it may be worth considering if your client should get advice about their migration situation. And if your client’s visa situation changes so might their entitlement to social security.
Further reading:
Citizenship pathway for New Zealanders –
Social security eligibility by visa –
Upcoming Events and Training
Just another reminder that in June we’ll be running a further session through the FCVic training program. This session will be focussing on the intersection between family violence and social security, and the most common issues that come up when interacting with Centrelink for people have who experienced family and domestic violence. We’re happy to note that our Family Violence Project Lawyer, Kristen Densley, will be co presenting this session with Eloise.
Registrations are via the FCVic Training Calendar, and we hope to see you there!
SSRV will also be in attendance at FCVic’s Festival of Ideas on 21 June 2023. If you’re planning on attending Mark Morand (Project Worker with our Disaster Response Project) and Margie Ambrose (Communications Officer) would love for you to come and say hello.
Keep in touch
Thank you to those financial counsellors who are regular users of our referral and secondary consultation services through the Worker Help Line:
SSRV is now producing a regular newsletter. If you aren’t receiving it already, you can subscribe using the link at the bottom of our website. We regularly post news and other updates there. You can also follow up on Facebook.
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries : 03 9481 0299
Worker Help Line: 03 9481 0655