Submission to the Review of Victoria’s Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct for wagering and bookmakers, Keno, bingo centres, raffles and lotteries
FCVic has made a submission to the Review of Victoria’s Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct for wagering and bookmakers, Keno, bingo centres, raffles and lotteries.
Financial counsellors work with people experiencing gambling harm. They regularly hear stories of predatory behaviour by gambling providers, including inducements to gamble, incentives to continue to gamble, no interventions for people displaying signs of gambling harm, and little concern when a person is experiencing gambling harm.
The Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct must do more to acknowledge gambling harm and the clear evidence that gambling causes harm. Comprehensive and ongoing staff training is critical to ensure that the potential harm is well understood and able to be prevented or minimised. There is a need for more thorough investigations into reported Code breaches, and stronger penalties for gambling providers who breach of the Code. Publishing the relevant penalties within the Codes is one measure to deter non-compliance.
We must also focus our attention on the next generation of people experiencing gambling harm. We need action, intervention and strong guidance to ensure minors are not enticed into gambling.
The banning of gambling advertising, inducements and incentives will reduce the risks of gambling harm on our community. The evidence around gambling advertising is clear – it is damaging.