The partnership between FCVic and Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV), the Integrated Services Project (ISP), aims to improve client outcomes through financial counsellors and social security lawyers working together more effectively.
Financial Counselling Australia Conference
On 16 and 17 May 2023, Graeme and Eloise attended the Financial Counselling Australia conference in Canberra. It was a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues to share news and celebrate achievements, and to meet many new people working in the financial counselling sector who had also travelled interstate for the event.
We shared a stand with our colleagues and friends from Consumer Action Law Centre, and our days were busy with professional development sessions, as well as the annual Jan Petland dinner.
For Eloise, it was very rewarding as a lawyer to engage with the financial counselling sector in person, and interesting to hear about key concerns that the sector has identified and potential issues that our clients may face. She is looking forward to implementing her learnings in practice.
We would like to thank Financial Counselling Australia for hosting the conference.

Upcoming Events and Training
Thank you to those who attended the professional development session ‘Family Violence and our Social Security System’ on 15 June 2023 delivered by our community lawyers Eloise Cox and Kristen Densley. If you attended, we ask that you please complete the feedback surveys provided by FCVic.
In August we’ll be running a further session through the FCVic training program. This session will be focussing on the age pension and health care card including how they interlink and will also explore how superannuation and other assets affect the age pension.
This professional development session is scheduled for Wednesday 2 August 2023. Registrations are via the FCVic Training Calendar, and we hope to see you there!
Member of a Couple – Amendments to Social Security Guide
Social security law is based in case law and legislation, and the Social Security Guide summarises relevant information and provides guidance on how the law ought to be applied. It is published quarterly and is used as a resource by advocates as well as decision makers at all levels (within Centrelink and at both divisions of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal).
On 8 May 2023, the Social Security Guide ‘Determining Member of a Couple Relationships’ was amended after extensive advocacy by Economic Justice Australia (‘EJA’), SSRV and other member centres of EJA.
The amendments provide decision makers with guidance to consider family violence when they are assessing whether two people are a member of a couple, and further provide examples of family violence and how it may be a relevant consideration in their assessment.
Furthermore, family violence is now explicitly listed in the Social Security Guide as an example of a ‘Special Reason’ for a decision maker to exercise a discretion to treat that a person as a single person and not a member of a couple for the purposes of social security law.
This is a very significant achievement and SSRV would like to acknowledge and celebrate the work by those involved. You can read more about this topic on our website and the further advocacy being undertaken in this space by EJA and other member centres.
Centrelink Working Group
We would also like to remind and encourage you to attend the FCVic ‘Centrelink Working Group’ where financial counsellors, community advocates, social security lawyers and guest speakers meet to discuss policy concerns, trends in casework and challenges/successful outcomes.
You can join through the FCVic membership portal, by emailing [email protected] or emailing the convenor Elizabeth Stary at [email protected].
Keep in touch
Thank you to those financial counsellors who are regular users of our referral and secondary consultation services through the Worker Help Line:
SSRV is now producing a regular newsletter. If you aren’t receiving it already, you can subscribe using the link at the bottom of our website. We regularly post news and other updates there. You can also follow up on Facebook.
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries : 03 9481 0299
Worker Help Line: 03 9481 0655