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Resource Type
Disability Support Pension
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical
The DSP application process can be complex. In this session, presenters have explained Disability Support Pension and running an education session on how to help client put together their applications.
We have examined the reforms to the Impairment Tables under the new legislation that commenced on 1 April 2023, the Social Security (Tables for the Assessment of Work-related Impairment for Disability Support Pension) Determination 2023, and discussed how these updates may impact our clients.
- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink
Disaster and Community Recovery workshop
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Skills
This session was designed for FCs currently working in Disaster Recovery or with an interest in learning more about community leadership and mobilisation in disaster recovery efforts. The presentation included interactive activities, where attendees have the opportunity to ask questions and get hands on, applying community development, disaster recovery and public health concepts to real life examples and consider how these may apply to experiences in their own practice.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to guide and support financial counsellors working with people and communities recovering from disaster.
- Published:
- Topics: Disaster Recovery
EDR: Complaints to AFCA
- 1 hrs
- Technical, Skills
Consumer Action Law Centre in conjunction with AFCA will present a practical workshop on making complaints to AFCA. The presenters have guided us through the full process from how and when to make a complaint, to drafting tips and things to look out for as well as what to do when you disagree with an AFCA decision.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials
- Topics: EDR and Ombudsman Schemes
Elder Abuse Professional Development e-learning
- 3 hrs
- 3 CPD points
- Technical, Skills, Ethics
Welcome to this Financial Counselling Victoria Elder Abuse professional development e-learning. This module will help you to consider the following:
- What is financial elder abuse?
- Who perpetrates the abuse?
- What does it look like for an older person?
- And importantly, how can you as a financial counsellor assist older people to seek help?
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, e-Learning, Learning Materials
- Topics: Carers, Elder Abuse
Ethical Dilemmas – Case Study Discussion
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Ethics
Our Code of Ethics requires us to always act in the best interest of our client. What about duty of care for other parties? What if some of the client’s choices are against our own morals? In this session presenter has analysed a case study displaying an ethical dilemma involving financial elder abuse. We have considered different views on how to respond to the presented dilemma.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Ethics