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Resource Type
Centrelink – Age pension and assets
- 1-1.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical
In this session, the presenter has focused on the age pension and health care card including how they interlink. We have also explored how superannuation and the age pension affect each other.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink
Centrelink Debts – putting together your review request
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
In this session recording you will step through which pages of a response to a Freedom of Information (FoI) request are most likely to be useful, how to interpret the mainframe screen grabs, and how to interpret much of the paperwork likely to be returned in response to a Centrelink FoI request.
Also, presenter explained the essential components of a review request, and understand where that review request should be directed: Centrelink or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Casework Skills, Local Councils
Centrelink entitlements for parents
- 2-3 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical
In this session, the presenter has looked at the different payment types available to parents, with a focus on issues clients are commonly presenting with.
Entitlements include Family Tax Benefit and parenting payments as well as Child Care Subsidy. Learn how to dispute the percentage of care for family tax benefit what this involves and what Centrelink entitlements single parents have.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink
Centrelink Overpayments
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical
The impact of Centrelink debts on people experiencing financial hardship cannot be overstated. Some of the most vulnerable people in our communities – reliant on social security payments to barely make ends meet, if at all – are pushed to their limit when Centrelink starts recovering an overpayment.
In this session recording presenters have given an overview of Centrelink debts, the circumstances in which they arise, and the options available for appealing or addressing an overpayment.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink
Centrelink Overpayments & Social Security Debt Help
- 2-2.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical, Skills
Financial counsellors regularly support clients who have had debts raised against them for alleged overpayments. However, in some situations, the debt may be incorrect, or the client may not have to repay it. In this session Eloise has explained about Centrelink debts, how they come about, and how to appeal them. During this session, presenter has also given a demonstration of SSRV’s website ‘Social Security Debt Help’ which is an online resource that helps people better understand Centrelink debts and their options.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink
Centrelink Payments – Member of a Couple
- 1-1.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical, Skills
If Centrelink decides that an individual is a member of a couple, this can impact their rate of income support payment and in some instances mean that they are not eligible for that payment at all.
In this session, we have looked at what Centrelink considers when assessing member of a couple status, and examine the changes to the Social Security Guide that were introduced in May 2023.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Social Security and Centrelink