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Resource Type
PTV Access Travel Pass
People with a permanent disability, cognitive condition or mental illness, who are unable to consistently touch on and off, may be eligible for free use of public transport in Victoria. This can avoid multiple PTV infringements.
- Published:
- Topics: Client Support and Resources
Rain, rain go away: Disaster and floods insurance
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical
Currently, there are serious flooding events happening across Victoria. These are predicted to be ongoing. Consumer Action Law Centre’s experienced staff delivered the session with case studies and a Q&A format. This session was designed for financial counsellors to bring current issues from their own practice to an open discussion about how to deal with these issues. The training has touched on notices to vacate, rent arrears and arrangements to repay as well as repairs and mould.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Disaster Recovery, Insurance
Rebuilding Resilience: the path to recovery post-disaster
- 2 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Skills, Ethics
Disasters magnify the challenges faced at a personal level by disrupting the very fabric of communities. It can be hard to know where to start. Working from case examples, Dr Rob Gordon have taken an interactive approach to explore why resilience has been lost, and how it might be regained.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Disaster Recovery
Recovery Assistance Program
- 1 hrs
- Technical, Skills
This session was targeted at Financial counsellors working in Gamblers Help Programs with access to RAP Funding. What is RAP and what are the Foundation guidelines for RAP?
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials
- Topics: Gambling related harm
Rental Stress – Tenancy updates
- 2.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical, Skills
After a successful delivery at the 2023 FCVic Conference in Lorne we are offered this refresher training.
The Tenancy session has included a refresher on the rental law changes and discuss appropriate referral pathways for Financial Counsellors (FCs). It has provided an in-depth review of what happens to renters who are experiencing rent arrears and an overview of strategies that can assist renters to retain their rental agreements including an overview of the laws relating to rent increases.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Housing
Responsible Lending
- 2.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical, Skills
Join us as we look at ways to identify responsible lending issues and unjust transactions. The presenters have explored different avenues that are available for resolving these issues, and how to identify the best outcomes for your client. The session was designed to be a knowledge exchange, using case studies to prompt new ways of thinking about intersectionality, vulnerable clients and approaches to systemic change.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Responsible Lending