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Resource Type
The Fines Lifecycle and Options
- 1.5 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Skills
After this workshop you will no longer be afraid of tackling your client’s fines. Fines and accumulated fines are at the core of a lot of people’s debts. This workshop work focus on the lifecycle of fines. It will step us through the infringements system, what the options are for a client at each stage and how a financial counsellor can support.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Infringements and Fines
The Law Handbook
The Law Handbook is your practical guide to the law in Victoria. Updated every year by over 80 legal experts, it provides comprehensive information about the laws that affect Victorians in everyday life including tenancy, consumer protection, bankruptcy, anti-discrimination, education, family, internet, environmental, employment and many more.
- Published:
- Topics: Consumer Law, Credit Law, Family Law
The Neurodivergent Toolkit
A guide for agencies, financial counsellors and community sector workers on supporting your neurodiverse staff and clients. This resource was written and developed by financial counsellor, Amy Wolter.
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- Published:
- Topics: Casework Skills
The Regulators: Making complaints to help your clients and for systemic change
- 3-4 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Technical, Skills
There are many different regulators that you can go to as part of your advocacy on behalf of clients, and to raise systemic issues. These include AFCA, ACCC, AFSA, ASIC, ACMA, CAV and the Essential Services Commission.
This session has provided an overview of the regulators that are relevant to different areas of FC practice, how to make a complaint to a regulator, when to do it, why to do it, how to go about this, what kinds of outcomes you could or should expect, and what systemic impact your complaints can contribute to.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: EDR and Ombudsman Schemes
Transition & Exit of Recovery Services from Disaster Contexts
- 1 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Skills, Ethics
This session explores the issues service providers are face 2-3 years after a disaster event, including how to support communities through transitional periods. This session was delivered by Dr Rob Gordon, clinical psychologist and expert in mental health, first aid and supporting people affected by bushfires for over 35 years. The recording has been provided by Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) to support service providers working in disaster recovery.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Disaster Recovery
Trauma informed care: Supporting clients impacted by trauma
- 2-3 hrs
- 1 CPD points
- Skills
Traumatic experiences are common, and the effects can be profound. We’ve seen several disasters over the previous two years including the 2019 / 2020 bushfires, storm and floods as well as the COVID 19 pandemic. But trauma can also be chronic and caused by prolonged and repeated periods of abuse or domestic violence.
Trauma-Informed Care helps to build a client’s sense of safety, control and empowerment through strengths-based interventions that can be delivered by a range of professionals.
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- Published:
- Resource Type: CPD, Learning Materials, Session Recording
- Topics: Mental Health